Octonauts Theme Song/ Paradise City

Hey my blog-reading friends!  I sure hope you're day is going neat!  MINE IS!

You're in luck too, because today is special.  It's "two for one Sundee Fundee"

(Thanks to Lucy for the fantastic drawing!)

If you grew up in Idaho in the 50's and 60's like my dad did, you pronounce Sunday "Sundee" and that is one of the reasons why we celebrate 2 FOR 1 SUNDEE FUNDEE, but mostly we celebrate it because I share TWO songs that were stuck in my head this morning.  Huzzah!

So, look at this face and don't be deceived:

You may think to yourself, "my, that is a cute little kid!"  I think it often, but a lot of times I am reminded at what a monster this adorable little child is.  Today was such a day when he wandered into my room at 5:30 this morning insisting that we watch his favorite show- The Octonauts. 

Immediately, the theme song to this show wedged its way into my brain.  Here is what the song sounds like:

In case you've never heard of this show, I'm warning you-  DON'T ALLOW YOUR 3 YEAR OLD TO EVER WATCH THIS SHOW.  He will never stop watching it.  It will be on your television all. the. time.  And then when it isn't on, he will pester you again and again until you turn it on for him.  And then, even when he's settled for not watching it, he will be humming the melody from it while he plays with his toys. 
(I tried to capture a video of him singing this song, it didn't work.  Seriously, he hums, or sings this melody all the time.) 
So, 5:45, I turned on the Octonauts for the cute little monster and went back in bed.  Luckily I fell back asleep.  Normally I can't do that. 
Which takes us to song#2..... the song stuck in my head when I woke up a second time...
...this one comes from Guns n' Roses.  You're likely familiar with the song "Paradise City"

I'll bet you 100$ that this is the only blog post in existence that talks about both The Octonauts and Guns n' Roses. 

Two For One Sundee Fundee is magical.  And so are you!

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