What Kind of Man


I've been cast in a dang play.  This time I'll be playing Aaron Fox, a heartbroken songwriter from the 2007 Broadway hit, "Curtains"

Image result for aaron fox curtains

Doing a show is a double edged sword for me.  On one hand, I love the process of putting the show together and demonstrating my talents is fun and fulfilling.  On the other hand, when you're involved in a community production, you sign-on for a 3 month, or more commitment. Performing is not a Friday night hobby-- you are all in. 

So, I'll immerse myself into this role, this production (along with my wife, daughter and even my dad!) and plan on putting home projects on the back burner.  I am very excited for this role- he is a smaller part and he gets to sing the most beautiful song in the show.

Today's song, however comes from the first act, when Aaron, his ex-wife (and songwriting partner) along with the show's producers scoff at a negative review of their production.  It's called "What Kind of Man"  It's not the most beautiful song in the show, but it's one of many catchy tunes, so if you read my blog, plan on seeing a few posts featuring showtunes from "Curtains" in the forthcoming weeks.

Here's your song pals (there are some cuss words)  

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