
There is so much I could tell you about the hectic week I've had.  I've barely had time to think about myself- let alone this blog.

Long story short, wife has spent the last week in the hospital with a blood clot.  She's still there now.  I miss her and I now recognize how incredibly dysfunctional our lives are without her. 

She'll be fine, it will take some time though.

I'm happy to share today's song which comes from the talented and little-known, Nashville-Based, Ben Shive.  A friend of mine gave me a copy of Shive's incredibly good and obscure 2011 album THE CYMBAL CRASHING CLOUDS.   This song is the opening track on the album, it's called "Listen!"  and you should, because it's the best song I've ever heard that uses train horns and arpeggiated pianos to underscore the song!  The best! 

No really, it's a great song and the chorus gets stuck in my head a lot.  I don't mind one bit:

It saddens me that an artist like Ben Shive is lost in a sea of musicians.  Although this song is available on YouTube, it's been there 3 years and only has 811 "views"   Sad sad sad. 

But the good news is that I've now introduced this artist to the one person who reads my blog regularly, my mom! 

You're welcome mom. 

Yay, Ben Shive!