A Wand'ring Mistrel I

I had a dream last night that I was sitting in a group of performers and some people were trying to put together a production of "Pirates of Penzance."  They were ready to do a run through rehearsal of the show and didn't have anybody to fill the role of Frederic.  I had played the role before and so I volunteered for the part.

But when we got to the part where I was to sing Frederic's ballad, I couldn't do it.  I couldn't remember the words and I was making a fool of myself after boasting that I knew the role.  I woke up in a panic and realized that in my dream I was trying to sing the wrong song.  What I was trying to sing was the tenor's ballad from "The Mikado" which is also a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta from the late 1800's.  Nanki Poo, the hero from The Mikado introduces himself with this song in the first act, "A Wand'ring Minstrel I."  Enjoy the song stuck in my head:

I was lucky to be involved in the chorus of a teenage production of "The Mikado" in 1994.  It's a silly show (like all Gilbert & Sullivan) about the lord high executor of Japan whose task is to behead anybody who flirts.  It's probably G&S's best known work.  It really is fantastic.  I happened upon a photo of the cast I was in.  It's below- I'm front and center (in black) for those who care.  I was 15 years old at the time and loved being on stage with so many friends.  Incredibly, I still recognize most of the people in this picture.  I miss these days....

If you're looking for a good movie, there's a great Mike Leigh film called "Topsy-Turvy" that not only covers the interesting working relationship that Gilbert & Sullivan shared, but also the process of putting together the premier of The Mikado in 1885.  It's an entertaining and fascinating homage to the theater.  I highly recommend it. 
What else?  I enjoyed a nice weekend getaway to Lava Hot Springs with my lady.  It was a nice break from parenthood, but we're back home and back to it. 
Lovin' life. 
A happy week to all, friends.  

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