NES Ultima Exodus (Battle Music)

I hope a few of you will get a kick out of today's post.

Back in 1987, I believe, I and my brothers were given a Nintendo Entertainment System by Santa Clause.  If he had known that the Nintendo would turn us into video playing zombies, I'm certain he would have given us something else instead.

Yes, I played a lot of Nintendo when I was young.  The one good thing I can say it did for me is that I spent a lot of time with my brothers playing it together.  I actually miss those days quite a bit- not much to worry about in life except completing challenging Nintendo games. 

Video games have become so sophisticated that I don't even go near them.  In my day (I feel old) the graphics weren't great, the games weren't too challenging and we liked it dammit!  We liked it!  The 8-bit music wasn't too elaborate as well, but many of the repetitious melodies have stuck in my head after all these years.

Today's song comes from a 1987 NES game called Ultima Exodus.  It's role playing game and we loved it!

In the game you choose various medieval characters; knights, wizards, warriors etc. who wander around a magical kingdom fighting monsters.  The fight sequence music, being horribly repetitious, wandered into my head this morning. 

Here it is- I dare you to listen to all 3 minutes of it- then imagine that the fights went on much longer than that in some instances. 

I really loved this game.  And I remember it being especially challenging.  Despite hours (days, years?) of play I don't recall ever defeating it. 

Quick story- teasing and repetitious Nintendo music nearly killed my little brother!

There's a game called "Pro Wrestling" on the old Nintendo.  In the game you can pick various wrestlers to fight a match.  It's really exciting you guys!  But if you are getting wasted by your opponent your character will weaken and become helpless until he is pinned and the match is over.

Here's a sampling, pay close attention to the annoying and repetitious music:

OK, so here's the story.  Bucky (my older brother, probably aged 12 at the time) was fighting Devin (my younger brother, probably aged 5 at the time.)  Bucky, being older and meaner, was just wailing on Devin's wrestler.  The fighter was weak and couldn't do anything but stand there while he kept getting  punched, kicked, slammed, bitten, or whatever could be done to him. 

But here's the mean part, Bucky wouldn't pin Devin, he just kept beating on him, making the match go on forever.  Adding insult to injury, Bucky kept singing along to the annoying music in his loudest voice while the match continued. 

Devin, even though, and perhaps because he is the youngest, is naturally the most competitive of all us boys.  He was red faced, and frustrated that he was utterly helpless as this match continued for what seemed an eternity.

Devin was chewing a piece of gum and because of the ongoing torment he started choking on the gum- I mean really choking, he couldn't breathe and his face turned red.  Bucky acted quickly though and began using the Heimlich maneuver on Devin.  It happened in a flash, but soon the piece of gum was dislodged from Devin's throat and fell out onto the floor of our family room!

Man, those were the days.  Nintendo and Brothers.  I miss it like crazy.

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