
This song is everywhere!  It's by a little group called Imagine Dragons.  You've likely heard of them.  The song is about Demons, that's why it's called "Demons!" 

But not literal demons you guys!  It's about the demons that each one of us hides! 

Here's "Demons" which is the fourth track on the band's 2012 debut album, NIGHT VISIONS. 

Did you know that this band first got it's start in my home state, Utah?  They may be the biggest thing that Utah has produced besides Donny and Marie.

Image result for donny and marie

I'm sorry to tangent to the Osmonds, but I have a funny story- I'll try to be quick. 

I went to high school with the son of one of the original four Osmonds.  He was a good friend, we even sang together in show choirs.

Well... this friend got called to serve an LDS mission I went with a group of friends to see him speak in church (what is called in Mormon culture a "missionary farewell") and looked on in wonder as Donny and Marie arrived with their families (this would be their nephew's farewell) late to the church meeting.  I could have sworn that the congregation audibly gasped as these famous Mormons arrived.

There was an after-party too and I happily attended, not only because it was for my friend's farewell, but because Donny and Marie would be there too! 

We were an obnoxious group of 18-year-olds and we decided that we were going to try to subtly meet either D or M... 

Donny was nowhere to be found, but Marie was there, sitting on a couch talking to somebody.  That's when my pal Kristy decided to take it upon herself to work her way over to make conversation with the celebrity in our midst, and she has a plan how to do it! 

She somehow found a garbage sack and walked around the room asking guests if she could take their trash for them.  "What a nice young lady" and other compliments were heard as Kristy collected dirty plates in her garbage, but the houseguests didn't know that Kristy was secretly working her way toward Marie.

After making the rounds, Kristy reluctantly approached Ms. Osmond-  "Can I take your garbage Ma'am?"  Marie turned and looked at Kristy, scoffed, and continued chatting with her family members.  Kristy turned bright red and scurried off. 

It. was. on.  Nobody, not even a celebrity, scoffs at our friend!

This is where we put our ability at being totally completely and utterly obnoxious to good use.  And we did this by singing songs, especially from "The Sound of Music" (Marie Osmond was playing Maria on Broadway at the time) with harmonies, improvisations and anything else annoying.  Before long, we got a few looks from people, including our friend who was preparing to leave on his mission, and we decided to leave the party early. 

But as we were exiting, my buddy, Kevin, at the door turned around and with his booming baritone voice (He's a professional singer now) sang with all his might "Donny and Marie, look at meeeeeeeeeeee!" with a loud booming vibrato. 

Was it rude and inappropriate?  Absolutely.  What is hilarious and unforgettable?  You betcha. 


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