Blogs are so passe and pretentious. Oh well, here's my blog about music that's stuck in my head when I wake up in the mornings along with adventures of the Cash family and wacky wacky crazy wacky shenanigans.
this one busted its way into my head because I was asked to pick a hymn I love to sing in church. I love this sing and it’s by Martin Luther, who is to be admired.
If you’re interested in Martin Luther’s life, here’s a killer documentary. Watch!
I give you (blog reader) maybe a 6 or 6.5 out of ten.
After blogging consistently for the last 6 years or so, I took a break for about 6 weeks. I thought I was maybe done, but I missed it. I missed sharing music and joking around about goofy music and sharing good music.
I hope that maybe one or two people actually read this- it's never been my goal to become blogger-famous, but there's the inner-narcissist who hopes for some attention by way of the blog.
ANYWAY, I'm back for the time being I'm back to share another song and the dream that accompanied the featured song today.
So, I'm dreaming and in the dream there's me and my Megan. We are at a concert, but it's not only a concert, it's also a sketch on Saturday Night Live (just roll with it, I've always wanted to be on SNL and I love concerts so my mind was in the right place.) So, as we're anxiously waiting for the band comes out and Megan says something like:
And then the band comes out- I didn't know it at the time but we were listening 1960's blues powerhouse band, Canned Heat. Here is the song:
But here's the funny thing, in the dream the lyrics are morbid, something like:
♫I'm Going up the country,
I'm gonna stab a guy in the face ♪
♪I'm Going up the country
I just might bite off some dudes ear ♫
And Megan is just dancing, laughing and just loving the song, but she's also distracted so she can't hear the lyrics, so I'm like:
And of course she doesn't hear the murderous lyrics because she's distracted, so when she pays attention the singer reverts back to the standard lyrics.
This went on for some time.
When I woke up I had to look up the song, and figure out that I was dreaming about Canned Heat and didn't even know the band (just knew the song)