I Have Lots to Say, Hey Hey Hey

I'm excited to post this song, because I really think it's great:

Nellie McKay was introduced to me by a friend a few years ago.  She is a very talented, very outspoken and often funny jazz songwriter.  Her debut album came out soon after Norah Jones' "Come Away With Me."  She was majorly overshadowed by Jones, and as a joke named her debut album "Get Away From Me." 

It may seem unfair that Norah Jones beat her to the punch, but I don't think the masses would be ready for someone like Nellie.  Her music is very smart, very catchy, but can be a bit too opinionated and politcal for my taste.  Still, you can't beat lyrics like this:

"Mr. Bushie says, I'm your president,
I have lots to say, hey hey hey.
and click goes the remote
there you have my vote
catchin' the next boat out of here"

I love the sound of this song, from the strange introduction, to the minor tones, to the clever lyrics.  I've wondered who David is as I listen to the lyrics.  According to some sites, a man named David Eisenbach was her music teacher at the Manhattan School of Music.  Some claim during the strange intro to the song she is says "Chabnesie" (Eisenbach backwards) over and over again.  It would seem this song is by a girl with a morbid schoolgirl crush. 

After watching McKay interviewed a few times and seeing her put a song together on a television program, I can say that she is one of the most eccentric and neurotic musicians I have seen. I think if she had a schoolgirl crush on me, I would run in terror.   But her talent is undenied, and her music is worth checking out.  I wouldn't even put her in the same league or discussion as Norah Jones, at least Nellie McKay writes her own music.

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