
For those of you who went to High School in Utah during the nineties, I'm about to take you down memory lane, in the same fashion I was taken just last night...

My only sister turned 40 yesterday.  To think I have a sibling in her forties is beyond weird, but such is life.  I'll be in my forties in 5 short years and that will be that.

And I don't want to be a downer about it.  My sister is great, and looks great and lives great so she shouldn't have anything to feel sad about.  Especially since last night was such a huge celebration for her.  Her husband (who oddly enough, shares a birthday with her) arranged a surprise birthday for her.  Probably 100 people were there and many more could have attended.  Molly is well-loved and knows so many people.

The coolest part of the party though, for me, was that her husband put together a concert for her from local Utah singer-songwriter Peter Breinholt.  He took the stage and played songs that I hadn't heard in years and quickly I was taken back to my high school years, and let me tell you, that was a great time for me and these songs were a big part of it.

There's something really special about Peter Breinholt's 1993 album "Songs About the Great Divide"  which managed to become the best-selling independently released album in the state of Utah.  Truly, the guy was huge, and his music is credit as to how it happened.  After revisiting these songs in the last 24 hours, I'm surprised he didn't go further with it.

Still, Breinholt has managed to maintain a career as a singer-songwriter, even all these years later and is somewhat of a celebrity in the state I call home.  He put on a great show last night.

The highlight for me is when he called my sister to the stage to sing a duet of John Lennon's "Grow Old Along With Me."  My sister has been such a fan of Breinholt's for so long and I know a dream of hers has been to perform as a back-up singer.  Seeing her up there with him was an emotional experience for me and for her I'm certain.

OK, let's get to today's song.  I knew it would be one of Breinholt's after last night.  This song is called Jerusalem.  I can't find a studio recording of it on YouTube, but this is a nice live recording:

Everything about this song is so beautiful to me.  Do I dare say it's about the birth of Christ?  Frankly, he could be singing about candy corns and it would still be a great song to me.  (Candy corns are good though)
I'm grateful I was able to revisit Peter Breinholt last night and will look forward to buying some of his music to add to my digital collection in the near future.  It would please me if this post were to introduce this man's music to anybody outside of Utah.


  1. This was amazing and I'm so grateful I was able to be at this event. There was something incredibly powerful and special about his performance. You could feel his love and passion for music in the room with you. I definitely want to get to know his music better. I was somewhat sheltered as a teenager and wasn't up to snuff on pop culture/music/media. I feel like I missed out on a lot of awesome stuff. Thanks to my hubby I'm getting caught up, slowly but surely. :)
