Battiti di Ali di Farfalla

Today's song comes from Jovanotti, who is an Italian singer-songwriter whose real name is Lorenzo Cherubini.

It took me a long time to figure out what this song was.  All I could hear in my head was "Put your hands up!" (Bang bang bang)  I thought it was a song about police shooting at somebody or something.  I didn't think that it may be in another language until it hit me that I had this hip-hoppy sounding Italian dood in my collection.  Then I figured out that it was "Ding ding ding" instead of "bang bang bang" and I found the song.

In years past I've sort of scoffed at rap as if it's not a real hard thing to do.  Have you ever tried it though?  It's totally hard and you have to be hard-core to be good at it.

Rapping in Italian, with all those syllables is even harder!

Here's today's song, "Battiti di Ali di Farfalla" from Jovanotti.  It's about boxing.  If I had more time, I'd write more, but I don't.


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