Not Like You


Hey Andrew,

Happy Easter!  Having a neat, neat time in Quarantine here. 

I just learned that the word Quarantine derives from Latin and means 40.  Likely to do with so many biblical references to 40, during times of famine, curses, wandering in the wilderness for 40 years etc. 

So very neat.  Hopefully it means that we'll only spend 40 days in quarantine, but I doubt it :(

Anyway, here's a weird one playing in my head, from 1986, by super-pop girl-group, The Bangles.  It's the final track on their hit album "Different Light" and the song is called 'Not Like You'

Fun fact, I never listened to this album until I blogged about "Manic Monday" some time ago. 

I hope you like the song stuck in my head Waaandy. 

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