Nothing Wrong

It's late and I'm tired, so I'll try to be brief in what I have to say today.  Today's song is from Jimmy Eat World.  You can listen here:

It would appear, based on the lyrics of this song, that Jimmy Eat World may have been punished for something they didn't do, maybe after getting dropped by a label, or losing radio play, or something.  Who knows?

We have an election coming up and hopefully Baritt Obamney or Mick Rombama will win.

Like most people, I'm exhausted by this election and can't wait for it to be over.  I wish there was a way for a moderate to be in office, or that there was some way that these two polarized political parties could be forced to compromise on difficult issues.  Basically, I'm tired of feeling like America is so divided.

So, I guess I'm trying to tie in the title of this song, "Nothing Wrong," as a way to illustrate something that makes me crazy about politics.  It's politicians general inability to admit when they've either done something wrong, or made a mistake or poor choice.  Wouldn't it be refreshing to have some political figure who we could relate to as a flawed human being who is just trying to do the best he or she can?  And really, look at these two men who are fighting to be the next American president.  Is either one of them really the monster that each opposing side makes them out to be?  I think these are both great guys, who work hard, love America, love their families, and honestly are tying to do the best they can.

If I had a choice, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama would run this country together and work together to make this an even better place than it already is.  Of course, their pride and egos would never let this happen, and if something went wrong, the one would blame the other.

Wow, I think this is the most political thing I've ever said. 


  1. Those pictures are hilarious.

    But more importantly, what has gotten into you? First the gym and now political rantings?

    I'm afraid I don't know my wittle bruver as well as I thought!

  2. Amen! The day moderates enter politics is the day I might care more about politics.
