Amelia Bright

Today's song comes from a musician named Darren Jesse.  You may have heard of him, but probably not.

Let's not beat around the bush.  Darren Jessee is the drummer for Ben Folds Five.  I had hoped that I could somehow sway your attention from the truth so that my odd obsession with Ben Folds' music wouldn't be revealed two weeks in a row.  The fact is that I know the song because I heard Ben Folds sing it, but it was written by Darren Jessee.

I feel like I owe it to Mr. Jessee to let you hear his version of the song.  Here it is with his band Hotel Lights from the 2008 album "Firecracker People."  

I really love this song.  I find the melody so pleasant and the words so poetic.  There's something about the chorus and the way he sings "I laid on my back and stared at the sky" and in particular the way the notes roll on the word "sky."  I just love it.  It's in my head a lot, and I truly admire this song in the same way the singer admires Amelia Bright herself.  

That's all I got today, folks, which in a way makes me sad.  I look forward to writing here all week and I just don't have much to say.   I hope I didn't bore you and I hope you like the song as much as I do.  


  1. I too have a BFF addiction, Sledge is a monster. Now I have to check out Hotel Lights, interesting, flag I stumbled across this. I think I’m currently going on 5 weeks on Spotify with nothing but the Five.
