
Wow, it can be exhausting trying to come up with creative things to say about songs.  Hopefully some people stop by here to just hear the music!?

I'm sure if I had more time, if I were a better writer and if I were more clever, that I could make this blog really fun and hundreds of people would come to visit, rather than the 50 or so that come each day.  I don't know who a lot of you are, but I feel sorry for you that you like my blog.

(Forgive the dialogue, the song starts at about 1:10) (Also, it baffles me that any band would want any lines spoken through a music video, it should just be the music and visuals, but here you go anyway)

Today's song is from TRAVIS, a band that I should have been listening to years ago- and I've blogged about.  They just have such a great sound.  I love this song too, it seems to be in my head a lot lately. 

Anyway, I'm feeling realy uninspired, which says to me that I should stop right now. 

But first, here are some pictures of us messing around with camera effects.  The kids thought this was the funniest thing we had ever done.

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