Lil' Kim and Nikki Blonsky

In sticking to the theme I've followed so far, I will keep with what comes to me in the mornings.  This morning was a little bit odd.  I'm a little ashamed to post this song, so I will start with how the song came to me.

I was watching VH-1's "100 Greatest Female Artist of all Time"  or something like that.  I wasn't watching the whole program, it was just the "go-to" channel to watch on the commercials of the other show I was watching.  One of the featured artists was someone called "Lil' Kim."  I had heard of her before, but had never heard her music.  While they were featuring her, they played some of her music.  The song below is one they played.  I had never heard the song, but the chorus of it stuck in my brain somehow, and subconsciously stuck.  Consequently, when I woke up, there it was playing.  Even now, I couldn't tell you how any part of this song goes, but for some reason, it was in my head. 

A DISCLAIMER:  THIS SONG HAS VERY NAUGHTY LYRICS.  I've posted the clean version, but I still don't recommend listening to it.  I'm posting it to stay consistent with what I'm doing with this blog. 

So, lying there in bed, surprised to hear this song going, the first thought I have is my new blog, and how I don't want to post it there.  So I trick my mind into picking a different song, and this is what comes to me:

Yes, folks, there you have it.  The iPod in my brain is on shuffle.

My wife played Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray last year, she was great, like with everything she does. 

Don't judge me.



  1. You need a DVR, then you just fast forward commercials instead of having to watch VH-1 during commercials. :)

  2. Yes, it's about time we got with the times. Now that I have a blog like everyone else, maybe it's time for a DVR too!
