American Pie

I feel like this is my least authentic post.  I set my alarm last night, although I don't use the alarm often.  Since I'm suce a spazz, I always wake up at 6 in the morning, whether I've gotten enough sleep or not. 

Today was an exception, I didn't wake up on my own, the alarm woke me with this song playing- and therefore was the song stuck in my head:

This song is over 40 years old.  I just looked online, and Don McLean is still releasing albums and has probably 20 under his belt.

I asked my sister-in-law what I should write about to make this post entertaining, and this was her suggestion:  Just post a picture of Jude, because he's so stinking cute and that will be good enough. 

I have to agree with her about the kid being stinking cute.  The poor little guy is due to have surgery in 2 weeks.  We can only hope that he does well with this surgery and the nerve damage happened when he was born will be repaired.  Regardless of what happens, I'm certain that his dashing good looks will get him far in life. 

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