
I really have no explanation for what plays in my head in the mornings. 

This is a great song, "Sunshine" by Todd Snider.  He's telling the story of a man standing on a ledge threatening to jump while a crowd of people look on.  I love the way he paints this story through clever song and lyrics:

I wish I could publish the studio recording, since the sound isn't great on this live performance, but he still does a nice job.  Todd Snider is a diamond in the rough for anyone who appreciates lyrical folk/country music.   

Because I don't decide which song to blog about, I don't really get to decide what to blog about.  Since this song is about depression, I guess I can give my 2 cents on the matter. 

I've only been through one period of situational depression in my life.  It lasted about a year and I got through it thanks to amazing support and amazing medication.  I admit, it was awful and horrible feeling helpless and out of control.  I'm afraid that I will have to confront this sort of despair again in my life.  I'm dreading that day and crossing my fingers it never happens again. 

Generally I'm a really happy person, and I prefer to keep it light and funny.  I've tried to make this blog funny, but I feel like this is not a funny matter.  I know there are people that struggle with depression their whole life.  I believe with all my heart that they cannot help but feel the way they feel.  I don't know how they get by, many of them do not.  I think there are many people who don't understand this, and look down on those who suffer this way and think that the person can just get over it on their own. 

So, I hate to be preachy, but if I could say anything to anyone reading (thanks Mom!) it's that I hope everyone would try to have more sympathy for those who suffer with depression.  You wouldn't be critical of somone for having cancer.

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