We Are The Champions

I woke up with a song that everybody knows today.  Immediately I thought about a certain NBA team I don't like and how they just won a championship, even though it was a shortened season and it doesn't really count anyway.  But it would be immature to make fun that team because it might demonstrate major insecurites that my NBA team didn't win this year, and likely will not in the near future, or possibly ever because of the small market we play in.  I don't want to be a sore, bitter loser, and most of all immature, so I'll just post a picture I drew and leave it at that.

So, who knows why Queen's "We Are the Champions" was playing in my head today.  When I first woke up I did some browsing online and found out that a team of scientists and researchers determined in 2011 that WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS has the catchiest melody in the history of pop:


Here's the video for all to enjoy.  I'd like to know how much someone would have to pay you to wear the spandex outfit that Freddie Mercury is donning in this:

AND here's our version of the song for all to enjoy!  We did this in one take, it was 10:30 at night and we had had it with rehearsal- not that it would have been much better otherwise. 


  1. I love the part when Jude's head gets covered by the robe. When Brady uncovers him he has a look of what just happened. Great post.

  2. Haha that was awesome! Peyt was cracking me up. He gets this serious face and you can tell he means business. Have I mentioned that you guys are the best?

  3. Glorious! It would take $200 for me to wear the spandex suit, or tickets to see Mumford and Sons in Denver, or pie.

  4. Great as always. I'm hooked to the home music video's! Keep it up!

  5. Okay, my FAVORITE is the naked mustache puppet, Jude's hide and seek act under your cape and your AWESOME family rockin' out! You guys are so cool!

  6. In answer to your question, $200, not including airfare to bring me to UT so you get to watch me dance around in it. The offer is officially out there.

  7. Can I come to your house and play? There is NO way in you know where that I can't spell on a blog that my kids (or my husband) would ever sing for a camera like that. Boo.

    $50 and the Hi-Chews that you STILL owe me and I'm in the spandex. I'm a cheap date.
